On Monday Nov 17th, I was trying to take a nap with the kids. I was getting in frequent contractions and I remember saying "Jaycie Im laying on my left side come on". By 1:30pm I decided to make a call into the Nurses line. Contractions were 8-10 min apart. After waiting for a little bit to call I decided I just didnt feel right. I took my kids to Aunt Dawns and started driving (it is now 2pm). While in the car the nurse called my cell phone and told me to go to triage (I was already on my way). I couldnt get ahold of Matt as he was away from his store in a meeting. I drove and drove, threw the painful contractions. I got to the hospital at 315pm. I waitied in the waiting room while my contractions grew stronger and were not even 2 min apart. Finally at about 0430 they called me back. Before getting Dr. Orders they checked my cervix 4cm, tried to start an IV (3 times then on the 4th time an anesthesiologist got it). Started Fluids. They couldnt get ahold of a Dr in my practice... then finally, got ahold of A DR. I got a shot of terbutaline, and got my vitals checked. My Heart rate was 140-150 BEFORE the terb hit me... SO they worried. I was put on o2 to see if that would lower it. I was placed on Mag to stop contractions, I was placed on the highest dose possible. I was in PAIN! Contractions would not stop.... They checked my cervix at about 5pm and I was a 5 and 90% effaced. They got my blood test results back and my white count was 26 (VERY HIGH). I was placed on antibiotics because I didnt test for GBS yet. They were HOPING for the best, but expecting the worse. I got a U/S and saw she was head down. I had a NICU consult and was told what to expect from my baby. I recieved my first steriod shot in my hip... HOPING Id be able to get a second at 5pm on Tuesday and lasting until at least wed 5pm. I was placed in a Laboring Room/Ante Room. at 8pm I was 6cm and 100% and they knew there was no stopping these contractions. I got an epidural and it was LOVE. I was still on meds to slow stuff down. By 11:15 my water broke, I was 9cm. By 11:20 I felt an urge to push. They called my Dr. They called the NICU. My Dr was too late. Another Dr in the hall came and looked at me and said it was time. She gowned up and said DONT PUSH. I wasnt... Jaycie was coming out with the contractions. She held her head to come slow and I sat up and got to watch her be born. No Pushing involved.
Jaycie was Born at 11:31pm 11-17-08 3lbs 13oz. 17.2 inches long. Her apgars were 3 the first min and 7 the 5th min. I never heard her cry. They bagged her and were breathing for her. I know shes going to be a fighter. She has to be!!
- Matt showed up at about 5:30pm
- My Mother showed up at about 8:30pm
- Dawn showed up at about 9:30pm
-My placenta had clots in it where it looked like it was tearing away and that COULD have been the possible infection.
Ill post more as I get it.