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Friday, April 3, 2009

4th Synagis Shot

Jaycie went in today to get her 4th and final shot of Synagis for the season. All the kids have been sick all week so she was also being seen for her cough. Jaycie had to get swabbed for Flu and RSV. She tested positive for Flu. Jaycie's oxygen was 87% when we first got there but after a breathing treatment she was at 99%. So we will be doing breathing treatments every 4 hours for a bit. We had to get a chest x-ray and are awaiting those results. We will have them today since it was STAT.

Jaycie was 10lbs 9oz. And I leave you with a picture of Jaycie at the Dr's Office today.

1 comment:

Alaina said...

poor little one ... and poor you. Hope she gets better soon! She still looks too cute ... and u look so skinny!